The best second citizenship programs of our time. Choosing the right
Investment Citizenship Programs
But in this case, it is very important to choose the right country. The decisive factors here are speed, the absence of special living conditions and a minimum package of documents. In addition, it must be a country that allows a second citizenship. The most loyal states in this regard are Cyprus, Antigua and Barbuda. It is possible to obtain citizenship in the respective countries in 2-3 months, and without residence and the need to apply for permanent residence or residence permit. According to the program, foreigners receive a passport by making an investment. Their size fluctuates in a fairly wide range, so it is worthwhile to understand the proposals of each country.
Comparison of investments in Cyprus, Antigua and Barbuda
In Cyprus, you can only invest in real estate. Moreover, it must be an object, the cost of which is at least 2,5 million euros. In Antigua and Barbuda, the government offers two investment options:
- to the national development fund - a contribution of at least $ 250 thousand;
- in approved real estate, costing from 400 thousand dollars.
In the latter case, the government annually approves different zones, and sometimes specific projects that can be put up for sale as an investment. This somewhat limits the choice of foreigners, however, the list is always quite large. In addition, all objects are located in picturesque places and not far from the sea, so such housing can always be rented out or used personally for a vacation.
Some more interesting suggestions
In addition to Cyprus, Antigua and Barbuda, there are many other countries that offer second citizenship in return for investment. The most attractive in this regard are:
- Grenada - issues a second passport 60 days after the purchase of real estate and the submission of all relevant documents, it is not necessary to visit the country in person for this (it can be any of your authorized representatives);
- Saint Kitts and Nevis, Dominican Republic - countries that have an "economic citizenship" program, that is, a passport is issued to a foreigner after donations are made to the government (the amount should be specified in each case individually);
- Bulgaria is a country that has the lowest rate for the purchase of citizenship of all EU countries (a great option if you are interested in the EU destination);
- Canada is a country where you can avoid paying taxes by registering an offshore trust (although you can only buy permanent residence here, citizenship is issued after at least three years, but even temporary foreigners can enjoy many benefits);
- Austria - accepts investments in innovative projects and venture capital, their size is impressive, so such a program is more suitable for wealthy people.
The size of investments is different for each state. In addition, it may differ for people of different categories, so each person should clarify all the nuances.
But summing up, it should be said that the size of investments does not always play a decisive role. Of these countries, preference should be given to the state that will solve your main issues, because of which you decided to get a second passport.
Recommendations for selection
What is your purpose of obtaining a second citizenship? If you want to visit the countries of Europe without a visa or apply for residence in one EU country, then it is better to invest in real estate in Cyprus or make donations to the government of Bulgaria.
Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship entitles only to a visa-free visit to the Schengen countries. The same applies to Hong Kong, Canada, Great Britain and some other states, of which there are about 150 in total. By the way, the citizenship of Antigua and Barbada should be considered if you intend to move to a new place of residence. It is here that there are good conditions, a well-developed economy and security for all residents. Doing business in this state is also beneficial. Both islands are offshore, which means that you don't have to pay taxes on income you receive abroad. Canada also allows you to open offshore organizations, but citizenship is issued only after three years.
As a fallback, in case you need to leave the country, you should consider Grenada or the Dominican Republic.
There are many options and you will definitely find the most optimal one for you if you study all the programs in more detail.
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